Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Solicitar estatus de refugiado para Estados Unidos
Las personas perseguidas o que teman sufrir represalias pueden solicitar asilo en Estados Unidos o que se les otorgue el estatus de refugiado. La gran diferencia es que el asilo se pide estando ya fà sicamente en EEUU o en un puerto de entrada y la condicià ³n de refugiado se solicita en el extranjero. Condiciones para que la condicià ³n de refugiado sea reconocida por Estados Unidos Deben cumplirse las siguientes premisas: 1. Vivir en un paà s distinto del propio o al de residencia habitual. Hay excepciones previstas legalmente, como el caso de los cubanos. 2. La persona que solicita que se le conceda el estatus de refugiado no puede tener và nculos fuertes en el paà s en el que se encuentra actualmente. Por ejemplo, si su cà ³nyuge es de ese paà s o tiene un trabajo estable se considera que tiene lazos fuertes. 3. No puede regresar a su paà s porque tiene un miedo fundado de que si lo hace sufrirà ¡ represalias o serà ¡ perseguido por razà ³n de su raza, religià ³n, pertenencia a un determinado grupo social o à ©tnico o por su opinià ³n polà tica. 4. Y, finalmente, que conceder la condicià ³n de refugiado a una persona en particular se encuentre dentro de las prioridades del gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Amà ©rica, que es el à ºnico con potestad para decidir quà © es prioridad para el paà s. Procedimiento para solicitar el estatus de refugiado Dependiendo del caso, se contacta con una oficina consular o, en la mayorà a de los casos, se viene referido por una organizacià ³n, como por ejemplo, el Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (UNHCR, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Hay que tener en cuenta que en la inmensa mayorà a de las oficinas consulares de Estados Unidos no se tramitan las peticiones de refugiados. Solo en un nà ºmero reducido de las mismas.à Serà ¡ precisamente ante un oficial de Inmigracià ³n del USCIS asignado a una oficina consular ante el que hay que probar que se tiene un caso para ser considerado refugiado. Ademà ¡s, hay que contar con la promesa de un patrocinador en los Estados Unidos que, en el caso de que sea concedida la peticià ³n de refugiado, sirva de apoyo para su ubicacià ³n en Estados Unidos. Si finalmente el USCIS otorga el estatus de refugiado, la persona recibirà ¡ una visa para entrar y vivir en EEUU. A tener en cuenta En el proceso para conseguir el estatus de refugiado es necesario entrevistarse en persona con el oficial del USCIS a cargo del caso. Si la persona que alega ser refugiado se encuentra en otro paà s, el gobierno de Estados Unidos no corre con los gastos de su desplazamiento hasta el paà s donde se encuentra la oficina consular que debe tramitar el caso. Tampoco puede ayudar a conseguir visados para llegar a ese paà s, si fuesen necesarios. Estadà sticas sobre prà ³ximos admitidos como refugiados La solicitud de condicià ³n de refugiado se ha visto muy alterada por laà presidencia de Donald Trump. En el aà ±o fiscal 2020 solo se admitirà ¡n en Estados Unidos 18.000 refugiados. Un mà ¡ximo de 5.000 plazas està ¡ reservada para personas perseguidas por motivos religiosos, 4.000 para iraquà es que ayudaron a las tropas estadounidenses durante la guerra de Irak, 1.500 se destinarà ¡n a salvadoreà ±os, hondureà ±os y guatemaltecos y el resto se distribuirà ¡ entre el resto de los solicitantes. Diferencia entre el asilo y el estatus de refugiado Segà ºn la ley americana, el asilo solo se puede solicitar cuando lasà personas se encuentran ya fà sicamente en Estados Unidos o que lo solicitan en un aeropuerto o puerto de entrada a Estados Unidos y demuestran miedo creà ble. Sin embargo, el estatus de refugiado se solicita fuera de EE.UU. En ningà ºn caso puede solicitarse la condicià ³n de refugiado o asilado ingresando a una embajada u oficina consular de los Estados Unidos. Finalmente, para entender el asilo y la condicià ³n de refugiado resulta conveniente tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples. Contiene las respuestas correctas y brindan ayuda para aclarar dudas e inquietudes. Puntos Clave: condicià ³n de refugiado A diferencia del asilo, la condicià ³n de refugiado se debe solicitar y obtener fuera de EE.UU.Salvo excepciones, el solicitante debe encontrarse fuera de su paà s de origen y no haberse asentado en un tercer paà s.En el aà ±o fiscal 2020, EE.UU. admitirà ¡ solamente a 18.000 refugiados de todo el mundo, reservà ¡ndose 1.500 plazas para hondureà ±os, guatemaltecos y hondureà ±os. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Personality Disorder Sybil s Story Of Commercial...
Imagine one day you wake up to find yourself in an unfamiliar place at early dawn; it would probably be a scary experience. That was Sybilââ¬â¢s reaction, a character in a novel, when she found herself in a restaurant in Philadelphia after she fainted in college. Confused, she returned home to find people referring to her as someone else. In this famous novel, Sybil was diagnosed with Dissociative identity disorder (D.I.D.). It is a mental disorder that falls under the dissociation spectrum, and was known previously as the multiple personality disorder. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), it is a severe condition of identity disruption characterized by two or more distinct personality states. D.I.D. is a rare disease that has higher prevalence in the teenagers and adults, about 0.1% to 1% in US, than in children and elderly. Sybilââ¬â¢s story is based on the true story of commercial artist Shirley Ardell Mason. This character lived with her doctor and her sixteen alter egos until she died from breast cancer in 1998 (Schreiber, 2016). As a prominent case of D.I.D., Shirley Masonââ¬â¢s story helps shed light on this disorder, but what are the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of such disorder. Causes Although the main cause behind dissociative identity disorder is complex, psychiatrist have reached a consensus on the theory that D.I.D. patientsââ¬â¢ identities get fragmented, rather than proliferating out of nowhere. This fragmentation process usually occurs after going
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Revelation Essay Free Essays
Revelation The opening lines of the poem initiate the main themes; ââ¬Å"Black bullâ⬠introduces one of the themes which are gender stereotyping. This suggests the bull is powerful, strong and very angry. Females are then introduced in the poem, ââ¬Å"eggs and milkâ⬠. We will write a custom essay sample on Revelation Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now This suggests females are pale, delicate and easily broken. The poet highlights the theme of stereotypes by placing ââ¬Å"black bullâ⬠above ââ¬Å"eggs and milkâ⬠. This is to effectively state that the black bull is on top of eggs and milk which emphasises on the importance of gender stereotyping. The second theme is introduced which is innocence and experience, ââ¬Å"They call him Bob ââ¬â as though perhaps you could reduce a monster with the charm of a friendly nameâ⬠. Tone her is cynical. The bull has been given a cheery, friendly name which is a irrelevant name for the harsh animal. The key words of the quote are ââ¬Å"monsterâ⬠and ââ¬Å"friendlyâ⬠. This is a very striking contrast between the idea of the name Bob being friendly, cheery and approachable, but in actual fact behind the cheery name lays a monster. The quote, ââ¬Å"at the threshold of his outhouseâ⬠, is the turning point in the story. This is a symbolic quote that states you must go over a line before starting a new life. In the poem a young girl is standing in the area between safety and danger. The line is significant as the pause creates a series of tension building up to a sense of danger. The girlââ¬â¢s initial perceptions of the creature are conveyed in, ââ¬Å"At first only black, and the hot reek of himâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ The girlââ¬â¢s sensory impressions of the bull are that the word ââ¬Å"blackâ⬠represents danger. The words ââ¬Å"hot reekâ⬠represents the smell and stench of the bull. Her over all sensory impression is the smell of the bulls pungent aroma that is its natural smell and the limited sight gives her a sense of the unknown danger. The poet continues to reference the main theme of gender stereotyping by developing it, ââ¬Å"We was immenseâ⬠, This quote highlights masculinity and power. It shows that males are bigger, more powerful and the dominate gender. The theme of innocence and experience is also developed, and the bull and the girl are compared to each other. The girl is full of fear and innocence. She is extremely intimidated by the bulls presence. The poet powerfully, reinforces the contrasting thematic dichotomies suggested in verse one. In the first instance this is done by including details in verse two which contract with details from the first verse. The poet has reinforced the theme of innocence and experience as he shows that the bull knows he is restrained. Also reinforces the theme of gender stereotyping ââ¬â girl and boy. This is done as it is dark and the girl cannot see what the bull is doing, whilst the girl is unaware of this, the bull is trying to break free from where he is chained up too. The poet condenses the contrast by highlighting them in a few lines of verse two. ââ¬Å" I had always half known he existedâ⬠Here, the poet points out that the girl had always knew the bull was there, just she had never seen the bull and didnââ¬â¢t want to come to terms with the reality. Verse three is effective as it shows that the girl is fearful of her encounter with the bull. The girl is terrified by the bulls presence and runs away from the farm. She runs past a group of boys. Here the writer links the bull and the boys together by the use of harsh sound effects. It is important that this link is made as it makes a direct comparison between the bulls aggression and the boys cruelty. It highlights that they both share the same characteristics. Finally, the girls attention is redirected to the parlous state of the eggs and milk, due to the flight, ââ¬Å"scared of the eggs shatteringâ⬠While sheââ¬â¢s too busy protecting the eggs it shows the reader that females are protective towards anything precious. In the girls eyes the eggs and milk are precious, and she wants to protect them from any harm. ââ¬Å"in case the milk should spillâ⬠The precarious position of the milk is highlighted in the small hands of a weak girl, who has been charged with the responsibility of looking after the eggs and milk. She is protecting what is important to her. The poet seems to be suggesting that her experience shows that females are scared of males and have to protect themselves from any harm. Females protect all forms of life, they are caring and sensible creatures. How to cite Revelation Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
How far do you agree with this description of how Shylock Is presented in the play Essay Example For Students
How far do you agree with this description of how Shylock Is presented in the play Essay In the play, A Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare presents Shylock as both a man who is sinning but also a man who has been sinned against. Shakespeare shows Shylock as a stereotypical villain as being greedy, malicious and a bitter man who is hated for his money lending but also for his religion. Having said this audienceââ¬â¢s nowadays are able to recognise an injustice in the way Shylock is treated. Shylock is shunned from society predominantly due his Jewish background, creating conflicting responses from the audience. In many productions Shylock is portrayed as more of a miserly money lender and malign villain, however to other audiences he is played in a quite different perspective, as a victim of the society around him. Shakespeare achieves all this through the use of various techniques, such imagery,antithesis, repetition and personification. In Act 1 Scene 3, the audience witnesses Shylock for the first time; Shylock nurses a long standing grudge against Antonio, he reveals that he despises Antonio because he is a Christian and also lends without interest therefore bringing down the rate of interest. Here Shylock can be seen to be the one who is sinned against by his contemporaries and is presented as a person who is hated and mocked by Antonio. ââ¬Å"You call me a misbeliever, cut dog throat, and spit upon my Jewish gabardineâ⬠¦ You that did void your rheum upon my beardâ⬠Shylock uses the command word ââ¬Å"youâ⬠to emphasise his anger and bitterness towards Antonio; his frequent mentions of the cruelty he has endured at the hands of Christians makes it hard for the audience to label him as a natural born monster; a view many Elizabethans would have had. Shakespeare also writes, ââ¬Å"He hates our sacred nationâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The devil can cite scripture for his purpose/An evil soul producing holy witness/ Is like a villain with a smiling cheekâ⬠Accusing Antonio, Shylock again sheds light onto the attitude of Christians towards Jews in the play. As a opposed to the sombre theme of love that dominates 1. 1 and 1. 2, Shakespeare make the audience focus of the word hate, creating a contrast between the three scenes emphasising Shylockââ¬â¢s treatment. Next we see Antonio actively berating Shylock, and comparing him to the devil (a theme repeated throughout the play). Shakespeare uses words like ââ¬Å"evilâ⬠and ââ¬Å"villainâ⬠to describe Shylock, all of which have dark connotations but at the same time emphasise the contemptuous nature in which Antonio treats Shylock, something the audience would pick upon. Shakespeare uses the phrase ââ¬Å"smiling villainâ⬠an image often used in his other plays to show again to the audience Antonioââ¬â¢s racist nature creating the sense that Antonio is the one in the wrong, not Shylock. Antithesis Moreover, Shylock addresses Antonio and Bassanio as ââ¬Å"Signiors or Fair sirâ⬠, in a friendly manner. Whether this act of kindness is genuine is debatable however the fact still remains that Antonio still, even after Shylocks politeness replies rudely by still naming him as ââ¬Å"Jewâ⬠. Shakespeare here presents Shylock as being not villainous as we once thought he would be but as to being sinned against. Shakespeare creates a very tense conversation between the two men and gives an insight into attitudes into Venetian society and the complex nature of human nature. On the other hand, however, Shylock can be presented to the audience as the sinner of this scene. Shakespeare can be seen as presenting Shylock as a more stereotypical villain; as a deceitful schemer and perhaps even an evil minded person. As soon as Antonio enters the scene, Shylock goes into an aside, ââ¬Å"How like a fawning publican he looks! / I hate him for he is a Christian. One may argue that this sudden uprising of rhetoric stems from the fact that Shylock has been mistreated by Christians; despite this however, the audience still sees Shylock being the one who is being racist towards Antonio, and actually the one sinning against Antonio. Shakespeare using the iambic pentameter to emphasise certain words like ââ¬Å"hateâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Christianâ⬠to add to the errant tone of Shylock. It adds a sense of bitterness to the overall tone of Shylockââ¬â¢s voice and somewhat puts the spot light upon Antonio. Moreover, Shylock seems to revel in the fact of taking a pound of flesh from Antonio if he fails to pay the bond back. When Shakespeare writes, ââ¬Å"An equal pound of your fair flesh, to be cut off and take in what part of your body pleaseth meâ⬠This section of the scene creates a foreboding atmosphere; Shylock refers to the taking of the flesh previously as ââ¬Å"merry ââ¬â sportâ⬠and also does not specify where he will take the pound of flesh from creating a sense of ambiguity and heightening the sense of foreboding in the scene. Furthermore, Shakespeare uses words like ââ¬Å"merryâ⬠and pleasethâ⬠to make the audience feel like as though Shylock wants to and takes pleasure in harming people, somewhat fulfilling this villainous image of Shylock. This presentation of Shylock on the contrary unlike before shows Shylock as vengeful and somewhat twisted causing the audience to ponder whether Shylock is a sinner. Furthermore, in Act 3 Scene 1 the audience sees Shylockââ¬â¢s speech, ââ¬Å"hath not a Jew eyesâ⬠. A plea for human recognition; through the use of rhetorical questions, repetition and tri-colon, Shakespeare is able to create an emotive and vindictive speech that allows Shakespeare to present to the audience a more lost and helpless Shylock, making the audience feel more sympathetic. Shylock begins his speech by reminding the audience of the pain Antonio has caused him and Shylock starts by listing how and what pain Antonio has inflicted upon him. ââ¬Å"He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and whatââ¬â¢s his reason? I am a Jewâ⬠. Firstly, Shakespeare allows the audience to sympathise, with how Shylock is feeling, they also able hear the anger and fury in Shylockââ¬â¢s voice. His use of rhetorical questions, emphasise his feeling and builds up to a rhetorical climax. Shakespeare uses powerful words like ââ¬Å"mockedâ⬠, ââ¬Å"scornedâ⬠and ââ¬Å"thwartedâ⬠which all have dark connotation and produce ââ¬Å"harshâ⬠sounds when spoken to convey Shylock anger. Shakespeare also uses antithesis to express powerfully the differences between the two religions, when he says ââ¬Å"laughedâ⬠against ââ¬Å"lossesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"cooled my friendsâ⬠against ââ¬Å"heated mine enemiesâ⬠, further creating a powerful and dramatic atmosphere around Shylock. In his effort to justify his planned revenge on Antonio. Is Shylock a Villain or a Victim that Deserves Our Sympathy EssayBut she waits until the very last moment to step in, so adding to the humiliation she clearly wishes to inflict upon him. Portia constantly refers to Shylock as ââ¬Å"Jewâ⬠, showing us that even Portia is an anti-Semite through her hateful language and deceptive ways, despite our previous assumptions of her character. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s presentation of Shylock means that the audience see a helpless Shylock who is unable to protest against his accusers. The Duke swiftly seizes the opportunity to free Antonio and destroy Shylock. For half thy wealth, it is Antonioââ¬â¢s;/The other half come to the general state. â⬠Both the Duke and Antonio lessen the force of the Portiaââ¬â¢s law and show Shylock some generosity. However, by forcing him the convert to a Christian, they strip him of his identity and force to give up his occupation, because Christians are forbidden to practice usury. In other words Shakespeare presents Shylock at the end of the scene as nothing more that the bare animal, as he himself described in Act 1, Scene 3. Shakespeare ends Shylocks part in the play in a somewhat sad way. The audience have the image of a broken Shylock who has nothing left, he says, ââ¬Å"I pray you give me leave to go from hence: I am not well. Send me the deed after me/ And I will sign it. â⬠Shakespeare makes Shylockââ¬â¢s last words in the play virtually monosyllabic meaning what when they are spoken they give the impression to the audience of a man who is dejected and wearisome; Portia becomes more ruthless throughout the scene and with Gratiano showing his usual bile, Shylock is defeated. It does depend on how it is played in each production but generally we are presented with a broken man who has been victimised by his fellow Venetians because of his faith. However, Shylock can also be presented as a ââ¬Å"sinnerâ⬠in this scene as well. His vengeful attitude towards Antonio and his obsession with the pound of flesh perhaps can alter our view of the Shylock that we have come to sympathise with. One reason the audience may feel like Shylock is a sinner is because of the effect he has on Antonio. Shakespeare writes, ââ¬Å"The weakest kind of fruit,/Drops earliest to the groundâ⬠Shakespeare uses the metaphor of Antonio comparing himself to a fruit. The imagery used of a fruit dropping to the ground, gives the sense that Antonio is weak and tired, perhaps shifting our attention away from Shylock and making the audience feel a bit more compassionate towards Antonio. A few lines later the audience is presented with a somewhat disturbing image of Shylock sharpening his knife on his shoe, ready to cut out Antonioââ¬â¢s heart. Bassanio says ââ¬Å" Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly? It shows to the audience a Shylock who is odious and as one who will sin countless time to get his revenge; this section builds up the tension and creates a dramatic atmosphere for the audience, between the two parties until the final climax. As we have seen previously, Shylock is presented by Shakespeare as someone who is intent on vengeance which fuels the audienceââ¬â¢s perception of his image as careless and cruel. Shylock cannot actually give an explanation for his dislike and want for revenge on Antonio however Shylocks speech expresses a varied range of emotions which also mirror the evil side of his character that the audience an see. Why he cannot abide a gaping pig;/ Why he, a harmless necessary cat; /Why he, a woollen bagpipe, but of forceâ⬠and ââ¬Å"A losing suit against him. Are you answeredâ⬠Shakespeare uses a lot of repetition of Shylockââ¬â¢s imagery, ââ¬Å"the gaping pigâ⬠and ââ¬Å"woollen bagpipeâ⬠and also the rhetorical question, ââ¬Å"are you answeredâ⬠which repeats several times as well. Shakespeare also uses a tri-colon on the phrase ââ¬Å"Why heâ⬠, giving the sense that he is accusing the Christians of the years of abuse. Shylockââ¬â¢s imagery draws on the dullest examples unlike the Christians who use poetic images of angels. His speaking seems more erratic at times and almost also perhaps mimics the way he is feeling, angry, edgy and vengeful. By simply justifying his reasons for revenge because ââ¬Å"he feels like itâ⬠Shylock presents and intensifies our image of a man who is cruel and insensitive and who will sin against anyone who threatens his wealth. To, conclude Shakespeare is able to effectively present both a Shylock who is ââ¬Å"sinfulâ⬠but also a person who has been ââ¬Å"sinned againstâ⬠. Shakespeare successfully conveys Shylocks emotions by how he interacts with his fellow Christians but also how he reacts to events that happen around him. I personally agree with the phrase ââ¬Å"more sinned against that sinningâ⬠. Shylock has endured years of abuse at the hands of the Christians; I believe that is what makes him so cruel and unpleasant at times. The outcome of the play certainly swayed my opinion of Shylock but it still remains that Shylock was not in the wrong most of the time in the play, but was the victim of anti-Semitic ideas of the time. Moreover, over the 400 years since the play was written productions have come to show Shylock as a victim not a villain and sometimes our interpretation of Shylock does depend on the production. However, to a certain extent I agree that Shylock at times was more sinning; we cannot overlook the fact that if he had not been stopped by Portia he may well have killed Antonio and that would have completely altered my interpretation of him as a character. In addition, I do believe that Shakespeare deliberately made Shylock to not kill Antonio as a way of perhaps allowing us and to engage in the complexities of human nature (especially Shylock and Portia) and allow us to develop our view and interpretation of Shylock.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Frankenstein By Shelley Essays - Fiction, Literature,
Frankenstein By Shelley Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley is a complex novel that was written during the age of Romanticism. This gothic work has enjoyed a wide range of interest and readership for roughly 200 years. Gothic tales have certain elements in common, chief among them being certain universal themes, eerie settings, twisted creatures and a breach in the natural order. Shelly's "Frankenstein" is a perfect example of a gothic novel. In this book she explores as her main theme the development of evil in an individual when he is subject to rejection by society. She also develops two secondary themes: man's fear of death, and man's conflict between morality and science. These two themes are used to support and clarify the main theme. These themes are as relevant today as when the novel was written. The novel is first and foremost an exploration of the development of the evil in Frankenstein's monster, which is, a consequence of his rejection by society. Frankenstein created his monster from bits and pieces of human corpses, and brings it to life. Horrified by his actions, he deserts the creature to find its own way in the world. Hideous in appearance, unable to communicate, and ignorant of his condition, the creature attempts to interact with the people around him. They reject the creature with fear and cruelty, causing him to flee in hiding. The monster falls victim to the system commonly used to characterize a person by only his or her outer appearance. Whether people like it or not, society always summarizes a person's characteristics by his or her physical appearance. Society has set an unbreakable code individuals must follow to be accepted. Those who don't follow the "standard" are hated by the crowd and banned for the reason of being different. When the monster ventured into a town"....children shrieked, and ...women fainted". From that moment on he realized that people did not like his appearance and hated him because of it. The creature spends several months spying on a family living in a hut, learning to speak and read by watching them. Gradually, he becomes convinced that he needs a companion in order to be complete and goes in search of his creator. He turns to murder as a method of forcing Frankenstein to acknowledge his existence and meet his demands. When Frankenstein fails him a second time, he again resorts to blackmail and murder. In this novel, Ms. Shelly shows how the creature's attempts at interaction are met with rejection until finally the creature sees intimidation and extortion as his only recourse. The creature was not born evil, but was forced into evil acts as his only way to force acknowledgment of his existence. This theme strikes a chord among modern readers, for ours is a society, which places a high value on beauty and empowerment. Those people who are rejected as worthless by our society because they are ugly, clumsy, mentally retarded, or too different from their peers frequently use extreme actions to force acknowledgment of their existence. These acts might include arson, murder, theft, vandalism, and other senseless acts of destruction or violence. Like Frankenstein's monster, constant rejection breeds not compassion and understanding, but anger and hatred. The main theme of development of evil is supported by a secondary theme of man's fear of death. It is this fear of death and decay, which drives Frankenstein to create his monster. He believes that if he can discover the secret of life, then he can cheat death and defeat old age. The fear of death has driven mankind on many searches throughout the ages to find ways of cheating death and avoiding old age. Today, scientists and doctors create new medicines to slow the aging process and defeat diseases, which cause death. They peer further and further into the genetic code of human life in an attempt to understand why we die and to see if they can alter the course of life. We can understand why Frankenstein created his monster, even if we cannot support his cowardice in abandoning this creation. When Frankenstein abandons his monster, he opens up the theme of the conflict between morality and science. Frankenstein began his experiments with the noblest of intentions, but without thinking about what the consequences of his actions. He failed to consider that simply because something can be done, doesn't always mean that it should be done, or that the results are not always desirable. He usurped the power of God by creating life, and them compounded his error by recklessly abandoning
Monday, November 25, 2019
Alternate vs. Alternative
Alternate vs. Alternative Alternate vs. Alternative Alternate vs. Alternative By Maeve Maddox One of my favorite DWT commenters took me to task for my use of alternate instead of alternative in this passage: in modern English writing, kn is an alternate spelling for the sound /n/, and igh is an alternate spelling of the long i sound I value his comments, so I have examined his criticism carefully, including the quotation from a previous DWT post that seems to support his belief that neither British nor American usage permits the use of alternate in the way I have used it: There was also a note about the difference between the use of ââ¬Å"alternateâ⬠and ââ¬Å"alternativeâ⬠in American and British English ââ¬â anyone writing for both markets should be very well aware of this distinction ââ¬â itââ¬â¢s a very important linguistic distinction and is not to be ignored. Hugh Ashton The note Ashton refers to is from the New Oxford American Dictionary entry he consulted when his mother objected to his use of ââ¬Å"three alternatives.â⬠His original purpose was to find out if a person could speak of more than two alternatives. According to his mother and other traditionalists, one can speak of only two alternatives. According to the NOAD, however, speaking of more than two alternatives is ââ¬Å"normal in modern standard English.â⬠Ashton mentions ââ¬Å"the difference between the use of ââ¬Ëalternateââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëalternativeââ¬â¢ in American and British English,â⬠and urges freelancers writing for both markets to be aware of the distinction. I do not think that he is saying that British usage and American usage do not differ. But even if he is saying that, I have to disagree. For one thing, American speakers use alternate as a noun meaning ââ¬Å"a person designated to replace another in the event the other person is unable to fulfill his duties.â⬠British usage does not use alternate as a noun. It is an easy step from using alternate as a noun meaning ââ¬Å"a substitute,â⬠to using alternate as an adjective meaning ââ¬Å"substitute,â⬠or ââ¬Å"alternative,â⬠as in alternate juror or alternate route. The following examples will illustrate that alternate used in this sense is common in standard American English: To avoid having to retry a case when a juror is excused before the end of trial (for example, because of illness), the court may seat a few extra or alternate jurors to hear the trial and be available to replace any juror who is excused. Regular and alternate jurors sit together during the trial. Some judges do not tell jurors which ones are the alternates until the jury is ready to deliberate. State law limits how many alternate jurors the court may seat. Oregonlaws.org/. The Alternate Route program is a non-traditional teacher preparation program State of New Jersey Department of Education Alternate plans allow landowners to apply for more site specific management flexibility than the standard Forest Practices Rules allow. State of Washington Natural Resources site. U.S. speakers save alternative for such things as alternative medicine and alternative rock. They also use the adjective alternate in the sense of every other. For example, parking might be allowed in a certain area on alternate days. Meetings might be held on alternate Mondays. British grammarians recognize the fact that American speakers do not use alternate in exactly the same way as British speakers do: In American English, alternate is widely used as an adjective in the sense of alternativeand as a noun to mean ââ¬Ëa deputy or substituteââ¬â¢. Penguin Writerââ¬â¢s Manual, p. 56. For an American writer, to refer to ââ¬Å"an alternate spellingâ⬠is no more erroneous than to write honor for honour. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Classes and Types of PhrasesProved vs. ProvenPreposition Review #1: Chance of vs. Chance for
Friday, November 22, 2019
Russians As the Others in 1920s and Early 1930s Hollywood Essay
Russians As the Others in 1920s and Early 1930s Hollywood - Essay Example The movie can be used as a symbol of the fate of Russians in Hollywood. It must first be understood that Russians had very limited success in Hollywood with the possible exception of Kirk Douglas whose parents were Russian Jewish immigrants. But this was because Douglas had no accent issues as he was trained at American Academy. However the rest of the actors of Russian descent had marginalized success in Hollywood as their accent forever sealed their fate and they were limited to either smaller side roles or at best character actors. They couldn't make it to the mainstream roles. Freaks (1932) is a sign of that fate. The movie is symbolic of what happened to those Russians who tried to enter the Hollywood. In this movie, the only Russian born actress, is the leading female character of Cleopatra played by immensely beautiful Olga Baclanova. Baclanova had arrived in USA with Moscow Theatre group. Her first love was stage and that is what she was doing when a role in Freaks was offered.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Consultancy Report Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words
Consultancy Report - Dissertation Example The report gives a brief analysis of the industrial scenario within which the firm has been operating and commercial activities carried out by the firm. For resolving the problem few quantitative and qualitative measures had been undertaken. Critical evaluation has also been from different point of view and a potential course of action in a balanced and rational measure has also been suggested. The company has been established in the year 1991 and since then it had been successfully providing the catering and support services to different sectors of industries like hospitals, schools, institute, corporate, government institutes, ministries etc. Their operation presently spreads over fifty locations in all over Oman. Support services undertaken by the company accounts for services like Laundry, cleaning etc and it deals with both the government and the private sectors. Apart from this they also undertake outdoor catering services for marriage and other functions. The company affairs a re managed by a group of qualified and experience management team. They take care of all the needs of the customers by sticking a proper balance of the art of cuisine as per the taste and preferences of the particular customer. For any function they operate from their central kitchen situated at Ghala. Introduction With Oman exhausting oil wealth resources, the role of the food and catering industry had gained its significance with time with a view of sustaining the countryââ¬â¢s economy. The food and the catering industries were of insignificant importance when the company started but now with the growing demands and with government initiatives the industry contributes well toward the GDP of the country. The government helped majorly to get a foothold of such industry in the countryââ¬â¢s economy. The initiative was taken in 1997 by awarding the trainees of the catering and the food industry with government certified certificates for getting trained for the industry professio nals of different hotels. In this regard the paper would analyze the problems and opportunities faced by Al Althnian Company LLC in Oman (Omaninfo, n.d.). Company Details: General Background and Industry Analysis: With the growing need Al Athnian Company LLC have entered into the trading business of the food stuffs along with the catering operation. For that they import material from different countries and supply them to the corporate and ministries. The company exerts a profound importance over the in the personal safety and health of each of its employees and the society from broader aspect. They also give importance in the environmental protection through their operations. The company maintains a safe and hygienic work environment to meet the requirement of healthy food and safety management system. The company follows a strict grading system for the staffââ¬â¢s welfare. They exert a profound importance over the training of their employees so that they could relate accurately to the needs of the target population and the community. This reflects the mission and philosophy of the company. The company has been segregated into different departments facilitating its smooth functioning. The departments are the operation department, personnel department, finance department, cleaning department, procurement department, logistics department, HSE department and the marketing department. Prerequisites programs are also carried out by the company which is considered as the backbone of the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Infection control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Infection control - Essay Example Healthcare is provided to patients in different settings throughout the world. Whether the patients receive medical attention in makeshift clinics or in technologically advanced hospitals, there are chances that they may get infected by disease spreading micro organisms.These infections cause discomfort to the patient and hinder the recovery process and in severe cases may even cause death.As the cost of treatment also increases,the hospital acquired infections are actually a burden on the government as well.The extended stay of the patient results in the loss of work thereby depleting his/her financial resources. Ever since the hospital acquired infections were identified, steps have been taken to control them and over the years the frequency of occurrence has largely decreased. The hospital staff, especially the nursing unit, actively participates in keeping the infection occurrence down to ensure a speedy recovery and better quality of healthcare. One of the important duties assig ned to me as a staff nurse is to prevent hospital acquired infections among patients. Infections prolong the stay of the patient by impeding the recovery process and they may also affect other patients and the hospital staff. According to Nemerow, Agardy and Salvato (2009, p. 156) the data collected over the years shows that fifty percent of the infections are preventable if proper measures are taken. It is therefore mandatory for a staff nurse to educate the patients and their visitors about the dangers of infections and their prevention. Though all the wards in the hospital are susceptible to hospital acquired infections, in this essay I will mainly focus on respiratory ward where I work as a staff nurse. The respiratory ward in a hospital provides full range of treatment to patients suffering from various respiratory diseases such as asthma, lung cancer, sleep apnoea, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, TB (tuberclosis) and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). The staff at the respiratory ward comprises of a team of consultant doctors, nurse consultants and specialist nursing teams as well as health professionals for respiratory physiology and physiotherapy among others. Like other wards in the hospital, nursing team is the backbone of the respiratory ward. The Nursing Team Nurse consultants are highly experienced registered nurse who work directly with the patients and ensure that the best medical services are conveniently available to them and that they (the patients) benefit from the best nursing skills. The nurse consultants also contribute towards the education and training of colleagues and are responsible for evaluating care delivered to the patients (Freshwater et al (eds.) 1994, p. 400). In the respiratory ward the nurse consultant supports respiratory patients and their families through primary and secondary care interface (Clancy 2007, p. 28). The nurse specialist is a nurse with a masterââ¬â¢s degree in an advanced clinical area and wor k for the improvement of the quality of life of the patient (Lundy and Janes 2009, p. 1068). They are supported by staff nurses; staff nurses take complete care of the patients assigned to them in a hospital (Peate 2012, p. 29). The duties of a staff nurse revolve around clinical activities, administrative activities, educative activities, supervisory activities and communication activities. Infection prevention is the top most priority in the respiratory ward where I work. Being a nurse I can play an important role in reducing the possibility of hospital acquired infections. This is because during training the nurses are imparted the necessary knowledge and equipped with the essential skills to help patient recover swiftly as well as lowering the chances of hospital acquired infections (Goldrick 2006, p. 380). Nosocomial infections or the hospital acquired infections are those infections that develop within the hospital; usually within forty eight to seventy two hours (Qayyum, Satt ar and Waqas 2010, p. 168). The occurrence of hospital
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Business Philosophy of Starbucks
Business Philosophy of Starbucks Starbucks is a coffee shop company. It is one of the most popular coffee shops in U.S. and other countries. Starbucks purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees and sells them. Starbucks has more than 16,600 coffee shops in about 40 countries. The outlets offer coffee drinks and food items, as well as roasted beans, coffee accessories, and teas. Starbucks operates more than 8,800 of its shops, which are located in about 10 countries (mostly in the US), Starbuck aim is to be the best brand in all over the world. Starbuck have introduced a coffee named Frappucino for those who dont like to have coffee. Starbucks has become more than your regular coffee shop. people are coming in the shop for a morning lift before heading to the office or people are stopping by while enjoying a mid afternoon stroll throughout the city streets, Starbucks has enticed more than regular people looking for their daily dose of coffee. Frappuccinos which are created with real milk are a favourite amongst Starbucks customers. They come in a variety of flavours, of course, traditional Coffee, golden caramel, chocolate chip, sweet strawberries and cream, smooth vanilla, and chocolaty mocha. In the summer, when the heat become intolerable a Frappucino will cool you down and you can also order with crushed ice. Starbucks has successfully brought drinking coffee to a higher level. Starbuck also launched his starbucks card for customer who will receive free syrup and fee milk when they order espresso drink. Ethical Sourcing Starbuck coffees want to lead for their best coffee in the world. Starbucks always believe in serving best coffee to their customer if possible. Starbucks has always believed in buying, roasting, and serving the highest quality coffee in the world. By promoting responsible growing practices, star buck are able to serve a great cup of coffee while helping to improve the lives of farmers and protect the environment. We are also applying the knowledge we have gained through our work with coffee farmers to other areas of our supply chain. Environmental Stewardship Starbucks believe in the importance of caring for our planet working with and encouraging others to do the same. As a company that relies on an agricultural product, it makes good business sense. As a company that relies on an agricultural product, Starbucks is vulnerable to the effects of climate change. In order to maintain our high quality standards and help preserve the planet for future generations, were taking bold actions to reduce our environmental impact. At the store level, energy and water conservation and other green building strategies continue to be key priorities with potential to significantly minimize our environmental footprint. Toward 100% reusable or recyclable cups In March 2006, Starbucks introduced a new disposable cup containing 10% postconsumer recycled content. Starbucks are working to develop a recyclable paper cup that reduces its environmental impact over its entire life time the materials used to make it, the impact of the way its manufactured, and the way it is disposed of after use. In 2009 star bucks convened a first-ever summit with local governments, cup manufacturers, recyclers, and other stakeholders to jointly identify the steps required to make our cups recyclable in form and in practice. And we developed local market survey and implementation tools to accelerate front-of-store recycling in the future and we found that we had served 4.4 million more beverages in reusable cups in 2009 than in 2008. Toward 100% recycling in our stores Over the years, starbucks white cup has been integral part of the coffee house experience. At the same time, it has become a major concern among our customers due to recycling challenges. In order to respond to customers and minimize our carbon footprint, were aiming to ensure 100 percent of our cups are reusable or recyclable by 2015. Were currently working on a number of complementary initiatives to advance our progress in this area. We realize there is no quick fix for this problem; we still have much to learn. we are making the best what we can do to clean the environment and by recycling our cups. MARKETING STARBUCKS IS A GREAT COMPANY FOR MARKETING Starbucks competes in a highly substitutable market .Starbucks has done a lot in this area to promote brand loyalty by orienting its overall image and structure to be one of a socially responsible organization with the idea will that people will ultimately support organizations that give back and are aware of their impact. The company also strives to have the absolute best customer service realising that people not only buy coffee, but a social experience as well. One advantage that may set Starbucks apart is the having a solid online marketing program. It should hire qualified online marketing managers to oversee its websites function retain customers and curb product substitution. Marketing Mix When Starbucks marketing their products firms need to create a successful mix of: Product the right product Place sold at the right price Price in the right price Promotion using the most suitable promotion Starbucks marketing mix PRODUCT Starbucks is known for providing superior products and services. Consumers have enjoyed the experience they encounter at Starbucks, and now for those who seek a high quality non-coffee drink can enjoy the same experience. By introducing these new summer drinks, Starbucks will enjoy an entirely new segment to market its products to. When looking at the sales revenues for the summer drinks it is important to consider that some of the existing customers will inevitably cross over and begin consuming the new drinks. In the end, the expansion of the product line is a wise decision because of the ease of adoption to Starbucks reputation for quality as well as the low cost of implementation increase consumer awareness of the companys activities. PRICE Starbucks products are reasonably priced while offering quality coffee. Products are targeted towards general publics, thus their pricing are generally acceptable to attract more customers. Price and quality determines the value of the product. Starbucks was expensive and was positioned in accordance with that. They always tried to deliver the high value promised to the consumer. PLACE Starbucks is a place for people to come to, a place to not be alone, a place to be with other people, and a place where, without having to do anything people become a part of a community of sorts. From my first observation at Starbucks I noted that the character of the space is divided into two categories. First there is the quick and simple transaction, in and out with your coffee; and the second is the use of Starbucks as an office, meeting place. To some customers convenient is the key point. Hence, Starbucks takes into consideration for these consumers. PROMOTION Starbucks invested heavily in training their staffs and did innovative tactics to manage their human capital. Thus they differentiated themselves in the market by constantly providing higher quality services Starbucks Marketing SWOT Strengths Starbucks Corporation is a very profitable organization, earning in excess of $600 million in 2004.The company generated revenue of more than $5000 million in the same year. It is a global coffee brand built upon a reputation for fine products and services. It has almost 9000 cafes in almost 40 countries. Starbucks was one of the Fortune Top 100 Companies to Work For in 2005. The company is a respected employer that values its workforce. Weaknesses Starbucks has a reputation for new product development and creativity. However, they remain vulnerable to the possibility that their innovation may falter over time. The organization has a strong presence in the United States of America with more than three quarters of their cafes located in the home market. It is often argued that they need to look for a portfolio of countries, in order to spread business risk. Opportunities Starbucks are very good at taking advantage of opportunities New products and services that can be retailed in their cafes, such as Fair Trade products. The company has the opportunity to expand its global operations. New markets for coffee such as India and the Pacific Rim nations are beginning to emerge. Threats Who knows if the market for coffee will grow and stay in favor with customers, or whether another type of beverage or leisure activity will replace coffee in the future? Starbucks are exposed to rises in the cost of coffee and dairy products.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Red Badge of Courage and The Blue Hotel :: comparison compare contrast essays
The Red Badge of Courage and The Blue Hotel: The Singular Love of Stephen Crane Stephen Crane firmly cemented himself in the canon of American Romanticism with the success of works such as The Red Badge of Courage and "The Blue Hotel." His writing served to probe the fundamental depths of the genre while enumerating on the themes vital to the movement's aesthetic. Such topics as heartfelt reverence for the beauty and ferocity of nature, the general exaltation of emotion over reason and senses over intellect, self-examination of personality and its moods and mental possibilities, a preoccupation with genius and the heroic archetype in general, a focus on passions and inner struggles, and an emphasis on imagination as a gateway to transcendence, as well as a predilection for the exotic, the remote, the mysterious, and folk culture are all characteristic of his stories. However, the most traditionally "romantic" facets of his artifice are most fully manifested in a series of private correspondence between himself and a certain society maiden by the name of Nellie Crouse. It is these letters that serve to illustrate Crane's writing prowess as it transcends traditional Romantic genrefication. Through these letters, which serve as an informed testament to Crane's marked skill as a writer, we begin to examine Crane in the context of his own existence, devoid of the fictional trappings of his most acclaimed accomplishments. What is most remarkable about Crane's series of letters to Mrs. Crouse is the tone of his love-stricken entreaties. He gracefully plays off of his burgeoning fame and his growing success as a published artist with good-natured self-deprecation and a propensity to undermine his own endeavours. The series of letters commences with a carefully constructed communique crafted to provoke a sympathetic response from Mrs. Crouse. Employing "inside" reactions to his celebrity to impress, he relies on an aura of exotic settings and playful humor to win a reply. Having succeeded in securing an apparently satisfactory response, he eagerly raises the temperature of the correspondence in his second letter. Without compromising further relations with Mrs. Crouse, his words adopt a more acute degree of intimacy, with Crane even going so far as to volunteer to accept her literary advice. The third letter opens to the heart of the correspondence on Crane's side, as he begins in earnest to try and make Mrs.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Park internet gambling Essay
Chapter IV Sub problem 1: What is the main reason of IT students to enter gambling through the use of computer games? Reasons| Male(n= 58)| %| Female(n=42)| %| Totaln=100| %| Rank| Lack of Money| 15| 26%| 13| 31%| 28| 28%| 8| To forget love problems| 14| 24%| 10| 24%| 24| 24%| 10| For Enjoyment| 43| 74%| 33| 79%| 76| 76%| 2| To earn extra income| 14| 24%| 9| 21%| 23| 23%| 11| Addiction in Playing| 33| 57%| 25| 60%| 58| 58%| 3| Lack of love from family| 1| .98%| 7| 17%| 8| 8%| 12| Peer Pressure| 23| 40%| 14| 33%| 37| 37%| 7| Past Time| 49| 85%| 38| 90%| 87| 87%| 1| To avoid boredom| 29| 50%| 14| 33%| 43| 43%| 5| To Socialize & meet new friends| 16| 28%| 11| 26%| 27| 27%| 9| Hobby| 28| 48%| 23| 55%| 51| 51%| 4| Stress Reliever| 23| 40%| 16| 38%| 39| 39%| 6| Out of 42 female respondents, majority of them says that they are playing computer games and entering gambling for past time and the least reason that they have chosen is also the same as the male respondents answered, lack of love from family maybe because itââ¬â¢s not a big deal for them to handle family issues. POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Rank 1= Past Time Rank 10= To Forget Love Problems Rank 2= Enjoyment Rank 11= to earn extra income Rank 3= Addiction in Playing Rank 12= Lack of love from Family Rank 4= Hobby Rank 5= to avoid Boredom Rank 6= Stress Reliever Rank 7= Peer Pressure Rank 8= Lack of Money Rank 9= To Socialize SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The purpose of this study is to know the reasons of the I.T Students why their used to gamble using computer games. We conducted a survey to know their reasons. We gathered some information to our classmates who used to gamble using computer games. The questionnaire was spread in all I.T Students of Institute Technology. We made 100 copies of questionnaire for us to evaluate their own reasons. We also gave them 15 questions to choose 5 main of their reasons to enter this kind of gamble. BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www.thedti.gov.za/news2011/Appendix.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Gambling_Impact_Study_Commission_Act POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Polytechnic University of the Philippines Institute of Technology Sta. Mesa Manila Dear IT Students: This survey was conducted to determine the Reason of IT students to enter the gambling through the use of Computer Games. Truly yours, Students of ICMT Name: __________________________________ Course:______________________ School: _______________________________________________________________________ Topic: Reasons of the IT Students to enter gambling through the use of Computer Games. Directions: Choose 5 specific problems why IT Students enter gambling through the use of computer games. ( ) Because Lack of Money ( ) To forget Love Problems ( ) For Enjoyment ( ) To earn extra income ( ) Addiction in Playing ( ) Lack of love from Family ( ) Peer Pressure ( ) Past Time ( ) To avoid boredom ( ) To Socialize & meet new friends ( ) Hobby ( ) Stress Reliever Hypothesis There are differences on the respondents of the I.T Students in Institute of Technology between their answers in the survey that we provided. In reasons of the I.T Students to enter gambling through the use of the computer games (Lack of Money), (To forget love problems), (For Enjoyment) (To earn extra income), (Addiction in playing), (Lack of love from family), (Peer Pressure) (Past time), (To avoid boredom), (To Socialize and meet new friends), (Hobby) and (Stress Reliever). Scope and Limitation of the student This study covered the reasons of the I.T Students to enter gambling through the use of Computer Games. There are weaknesses and limitations associated with the study. Steps to improve the reliability of self-report include the assurance of anonymity. Although the participants were encouraged to answer honestly and reminded that their responses would be anonymous, they may not have been entirely honest in their self- reported gambling behaviors and may have intentionally or unintentionally given false information about the variables under study. POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES This study sought the reasons of the I.T Students to enter the gambling through the use of computer games. Specifically, this research determined each reason of the students. IT students would benefit from this research because they can manage more efficiently and reduced the time that they wasting for the computer games. A lack of exposure may also mean the I.T students are less aware of the Potential risks associated with gambling. A lack of experience is also likely to mean the students are less familiar with strategies for selfâ⬠regulating gambling such as taking a set amount of money to venues and mixing gambling with other forms of entertainment. POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Out of 58 male respondents, majority of them says that they are playing computer games and entering gambling for past time and the least reason that they have chosen is lack of love from family maybe because itââ¬â¢s not a big deal for them to handle family issues. Out of 42 female respondents, majority of them says that they are playing computer games and entering gambling for past time and the least reason that they have chosen is also the same as the male respondents answered, lack of love from family maybe because itââ¬â¢s not a big deal for them to handle family issues. POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Foreign Studies Mark D Griffiths and Jonathan Park Internet gambling is a relatively under-researched area. While our current knowledge remains in its infancy and the prevalence rates are relatively low, researchers and cliniciansare predicting greater involvement among youth. A comprehensive search of the relevant literature was undertaken. The resulting relevant literature was classified into four areas. These were (a) the empirical studies on adolescent internet gambling, (b) online gambling-like experiences in adolescence, (c) adolescent gambling via social networking sites, and (d) adolescent gambling via online penny auction sites. Age verification in relation to prevention and regulation is also examined. It is concluded that young people appear to be very proficient in using and accessing new media and are likely to be increasingly exposed to remote gambling opportunities. These young people will therefore require education and guidance to enable them to cope with the challenges of convenience gambling in all its guises. POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Local Studies The National Gambling Impact Study Commission Act of 1996 (Public, 110 Stat. 1482, enacted August 3, 1996) is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President of the United States Bill Clinton. This legislation established the National Gambling Impact Study Commission in 1997 to conduct a comprehensive legal and factual study of the social and economic impacts of gambling in the United States on: (1) Federal, State, local, and Native American tribal governments; and (2) communities and social institutions generally, including individuals, families, and businesses within such communities and institutions. Mandates a report to the President, the Congress, State Governors, and Native American tribal governments. Requires the Commission to contract with the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations and the United States National Research Council for assistance with the study. Authorizes appropriations. Specifically the commission was to look at the following: 1. existing policies and practices concerning the legalization of prohibition of gambling 2. the relationship between gambling and crime 3. the nature and impact of pathological and problem gambling 4. the impacts of gambling on individuals, communities, and the economy, including depressed economic areas 5. the extent to which gambling revenue had benefited various governments and whether alternative revenue sources existed 6. the effects of technology, including the Internet on gambling The study lasted two years, and in 1999 the commission released it final report. There was a separate section on Indian gaming provided.[2] POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Statement of the problem Moreover, there has been little research documenting whether general gaming education has any effect on studentsââ¬â¢ gambling attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. Hence, there remains a void for studies related to these factors. College administrators and student affairs professionals have been criticized for the lack of attention and recognition of the gambling issue on campuses. A study by Shaffer, et al (2005) revealed that although gambling is commonplace on college campuses, only 22 percent of 119 schools studied had adopted any type of gambling policy.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Rosetta Stone essays
The Rosetta Stone essays In 1799, when Napoleons army was dismantling a wall in Rashid, Egypt, they discovered the Rosetta Stone. Little did they know that this 11-inch thick piece of rock would be one of the greatest discoveries in history! It contained Egyptian scripture, with Greek also on the stone. This was used to decode the once lost Egyptian writing system. Before the 1800s, attempts at trying to uncover the secrets held by the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics found on walls inside numerous tombs were useless. The pictures were falsely believed to be symbolic, representing some sort of object or idea. Something soon changed all of this misconception. 1799 was the year of a great breakthrough in Egyptology. French troops, under Napoleons command, were destroying a wall when they found a black, basalt stone. The stone was inscribed with three different forms of writing: Egyptian hieroglyphics, a shorthand form of hieroglyphs, and Greek written in 196 BC. The Rosetta Stone then became instrumental in decrypting the long forgotten Egyptian writing system. The stone was first discovered near Rosetta, Egypt, by one of Napoleon's soldiers, named variously as Bouchard, during his expedition to Egypt in August of 1799. In no time, this discovery was mentioned to all the top scholars who were immensely interested since there was no way to decode the hieroglyphs. In 1802, Johan David Akerblad was the first to break ground in identifying the first demotic symbols. He identified a few of the proper names in the demotic text, after comparing them with the same names found in the Greek text. (Ogg 78) Next on the scene was Thomas Young, an English physicist, who took an interest to the deciphering the Rosetta Stone as well. After much researching, Young was able to prove that the proper names in the hieroglyphics section of the stone did in fact have phonetic value, and were not made up of symbols. He then introduced the idea o ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A Simple Summary of Shakespeares Hamlet
A Simple Summary of Shakespeare's Hamlet William Shakespeares famous work Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a tragedy set across five acts written around the year 1600. More than just a revenge play, Hamlet deals with questions about life and existence, sanity, love, death, and betrayal. It is one of the most quoted works of literature in the world, and since 1960 it has been translated into 75 languages (including Klingon). The Action Begins Otherworldly As the play begins, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is visited by a mysterious ghost resembling his recently-deceased father the king. The ghost tells Hamlet that his father was murdered by Claudius, the kingââ¬â¢s brother, who then took the throne and married Hamletââ¬â¢s mother Gertrude. The ghost encourages Hamlet to avenge his fatherââ¬â¢s death by killing Claudius. The task before Hamlet weighs heavily upon him. Is the ghost evil, trying to tempt him to do something that will send his soul to hell for eternity? Hamlet questions whether the specter is to be believed. Hamletââ¬â¢s uncertainty, anguish, and grief are what makes the character so believable. He is arguably one of literatureââ¬â¢s most psychologically complex characters. He is slow to take action, but when he does it is rash and violent. We can see this in the famous ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¹curtain sceneâ⬠when Hamlet kills Polonius. Hamletââ¬â¢s Love Poloniusââ¬â¢ daughter Ophelia is in love with Hamlet, but their relationship has broken down since Hamlet learned of his fatherââ¬â¢s death. Ophelia is instructed by Polonius and Laertes to spurn Hamletââ¬â¢s advances. Ultimately, Ophelia commits suicide as a result of Hamletââ¬â¢s confusing behavior toward her and the death of her father. A Play Within a Play In Act 3, Scene 2, Hamlet organizes actors to re-enact his fatherââ¬â¢s murder at the hands of Claudius in order to gauge Claudiusââ¬â¢ reaction. He confronts his mother about his fatherââ¬â¢s murder and hears someone behind the arras. Believing it to be Claudius, Hamlet stabs the man with his sword. It transpires that he has actually killed Polonius. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Claudius realizes that Hamlet is out to get him and professes that Hamlet is mad. Claudius arranges for Hamlet to be shipped to England with his former friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who have been informing the king about Hamletââ¬â¢s state of mind. Claudius has secretly sent orders for Hamlet to be killed on arrival in England, but Hamlet escapes from the ship and swaps his death order for a letter ordering the deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. To Be or Not to Be â⬠¦ Hamlet arrives back in Denmark just as Ophelia is being buried, which prompts him to contemplate life, death, and the frailty of the human condition. The performance of this soliloquy is a big part of how any actor portraying Hamlet is judged by critics.à à Tragic Ending Laertes returns from France to avenge the death of Polonius, his father. Claudius plots with him to make Hamletââ¬â¢s death appear accidental and encourages him to anoint his sword with poison. He also puts a cup of poison aside, in case the sword is unsuccessful. In the action, the swords are swapped and Laertes is mortally wounded with the poisoned sword after striking Hamlet with it. He forgives Hamlet before he dies. Gertrude dies by accidentally drinking the cup of poison. Hamlet stabs Claudius and forces him to drink the rest of the poisoned drink. Hamlets revengeà is finally complete. In his dying moments, he bequeaths the throne to Fortinbras and prevents Horatios suicide by imploring him to stay alive to tell the tale.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Roman Persecutions of Christians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Roman Persecutions of Christians - Essay Example Many historians are of the opinion, that the Romans believed that the neglect of the old gods who had made Rome strong, was responsible for the disasters that Rome faced. Is it then safe to assume that the persecutions of Christians, stemmed from a distrust of something alien to the Romans, or were there other causes for these persecutions? The persecutions began slowly but after the middle of the third century, were initiated intensively by some of the Roman emperors. In the beginning, these persecutions were generally a result of personal hostilities between people, where the real issues were hidden behind the excuse of their being of a different faith. However, slowly Christians began to be looked upon as people who took part in weird rites, like partaking of Christââ¬â¢s flesh and blood, that was mistaken for cannibalism. The distrust grew as Christians refused to take part in the pagan rites of sacrifice to Roman gods, and to the emperor who was considered a semi divine being . This was considered an insult to the gods who looked after the well being of the people, and therefore endangered the empire.There were also other reasons why the people considered the Christians unpatriotic. The Romans took pride in their Roman citizenship, while the Christians declared that they were citizens of heaven. They also shrank from obligations of public and military service. However, a closer look at the events that preceded the persecutions, paints a different picture. Persecutions were generally sparked off by certain events that went against an emperor. Is it then possible that periods of crisis like a threatening invasion, or an economic or political instability, were triggers that led to these persecutions? This seems to have been the case in the persecutions that took place when a disastrous fire broke out in Rome during the reign of Nero. The first persecution sanctioned by an emperor was in A.D. 64 by the eccentric emperor Nero. During the early years of Neroâ â¬â¢s reign, he was guided by the wisdom of his tutor Seneca and Burrus. By A.D. 62, Burrus died and Seneca retired, after which the wise constraints on Neroââ¬â¢s eccentric character were gone, and Nero was free to indulge himself . The costly war against Parthia and the revolts in Britain had drained the treasury and the Roman empire was in turmoil. Against this background, Nero was more interested in poetry, music and such other pursuits, and surrounded himself with frivolous and riotous companions that offended the public. His extravagances only served to further drain the imperial coffers, and taking advantage of his inattention to affairs of state, rebellions began to erupt. In the midst of these distressing events, Rome suffered the most disastrous fire in its history. Nero had become so unpopular, that people believed he had started the fire in order to be able to rebuild the city in the Greek style that he greatly admired, and also build a new and grand palace for hims elf. Although historians are unanimous in their opinion that Nero gave help to those left homeless in the fire and also rebuilt the city excellently; the rumor that the fire was the act of the self indulgence of the ruthless tyrant Nero, refused to die down. Unable to find other means of convincing his people that he was not responsible for the fire, Nero played on the fears of the people and made scapegoats of the Christians,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Economics Analysis when Chicken food price is going up Term Paper
Economics Analysis when Chicken food price is going up - Term Paper Example The intersection point of the demand and supply curves is called the equilibrium point (Thomas & Maurice 2008). In the given scenario, there is an increase in the input cost for products made from chicken. The input costs are higher as the chicken feed price goes up. There are certain input costs and the increase in their prices results in a reduction of the supply of the products in which they are used. An increase in input cost causes the supply curve to move towards left. In other words, an increase in input costs reduces the overall profit to the supplier and hence, the supplier reduces the level of supply. The quantity demanded, as a result, does not satisfy and remains unchanged. In our case, the result of an increase in chicken feed prices will reduce the chicken output. Relating this to the Restaurant industry, the reduced supply of chicken will result in higher prices of chicken and eggs related cuisines like Burgers, Omelets, Sandwiches and most of the baked items like cakes. The equilibrium price in the restaurant industry for the foods containing eggs goes up due to the shift in t he demand curve. The equilibrium quantity, however, has shown a declining trend. The increment in feed cost moves the supply curve to the left. The reduced supply of chicken will lead to change in the price and demand of certain products. The price of all products in which chicken is used will go up and the quantity will also be reduced as shown in the figure above. Assuming Beef as a major substitute to chicken, it is obvious that with the rise in prices of chicken products, the demand for substitutes like beef-made products will rise. The demand curve shifts towards right (Krugman & Wells 2009). The consumer demand to have meat products will then be satisfied by the consumption of beef hence an increase in the demand for beef boosts up. The poultry industry will definitely be affected adversely due to the rise in
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